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Baby Bounced Back

Baby came to the Humane Society from a shelter in Texas. She was considered a "Death Row Dog" – a dog scheduled to be euthanized because she hadn't been adopted.

Although she arrived at the Humane Society with four other dogs, her bat-like appearance and her sassy attitude immediately endeared her to our staff. She was the type of dog whose personality seemed bigger than her body.

It was also immediately clear that Baby had had a rough life prior to arriving at the shelter. Her back was covered in thick, rope-like scars. The origin of her scars has remained a mystery because she even arrived at the Texas shelter with them. However, whatever had happened to her in her past did not follow her to Iowa! Baby hopped right into the HSNWIA routine, loving on staff and visitors alike.

Baby's bad luck seemed to return when she developed a limp while in our care. She had had knee issues in the past, but after a visit to the vet, it was discovered that Baby had a tumor. She underwent surgery to remove the tumor, but it returned, so they had to amputate her entire leg.

It felt like a major setback for such a sweet dog. But Baby never slowed down. As sassy, stubborn, and spirited as ever, she acted as if she didn't even know she'd lost a leg. She was the same as always, happy-go-lucky and full of attitude.

Our staff desperately wanted to find Baby the happy home she deserved. She was adopted out twice but unfortunately was returned both times in her first year at the shelter. However, the third time was the charm! Baby was adopted by a lovely couple who had been looking for a rescue dog with a special personality. She certainly fit the bill, and she has settled happily into her new home.

Her new family wrote to us to let us know how she's doing:

“She is beyond spoiled and has gotten so many toys from her grandparents and it has been so nice to see her settle in and be truly comfortable with us. You were not kidding about her liking the snow either! Attached is our first official family photo! She is a happy pup.”


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