One of the hardest and quickest lessons learned in the short time that I have been privileged to work at the HSNWIA is that there is no shortage of heartbreaking stories associated with many of the animals that cross our threshold. Mavericks' story is just that, one of heartbreak that we hope ends in redemptive bliss for him and his next best friend!

This beautiful boy like so many others was simply left to his own, and later found walking down a busy road in temperatures not befitting any short haired animal. Picked up by a goodsamaritan and brought to us at the HSNWIA this guy desperately needs a new home. Unfortunatly, as is too often the case his size and breed are often a deterrent in the process of adoption. This however, says nothing of the emotional scars that have left him needing to be in a single animal home, thus placing even greater need and difficulty surrounding finding that certain someone for Maverick. However, we here at the HSNWIA firmly believe that the right owner is out there just waiting for the right animal to fill that FOREVER need.
